marlo strives to protect the environment
through our actions and products as well as through education
what is a carbon footprint?
You may have heard about the carbon footprint. What is it, exactly?
facial-care vs. body-care: do you need different moisturizers?
Is it ok to use body lotion to moisturize your face? It’s probably not a great idea.
the great pacific garbage patch: a floating landfill
There’s a massive landfill in the Pacific Ocean full of tiny bits of plastic, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. How did this happen?
winterize your skincare routine
Have you winterized your skincare routine? Make sure your skin is happy and healthy!
spotlight: brooklyn’s green greenpoint library
The Greenpoint Branch of Brooklyn NY’s Public Library is truly green in form and function, teaching about sustainability and the environment – and a great example of green architecture.
marlo co-founder renee ordino soto visits nj hydroponic farm
Our co-founder Renee visited the municipal hydroponic farm in Robbinsville, NJ — read about this Freight Farms hydroponic container farm!
reducing your food waste
Food waste is a persistent problem; here are some tips for reducing it. A little planning goes a long way!
sustainable tourism & eco-friendly travel
There are many ways to be sustainable even when you’re on vacation.
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