If you live in an urban area, you may have noticed more hydroponic farms popping up in and around your neighborhood. Hydroponics is growing plants in water, not soil. It may appear in unexpected places, like rooftops and indoor vertical farms. But have you ever heard...
Are you seeing more greenery, both in and on buildings? If so, you’ve seen a work of biophilic design. Biophilia is the idea that humans love life and the living world and want to be connected to nature. One way to do this is by integrating nature more deeply into...
Have you ever DIY'ed skincare? It can be fun to experiment and whip up your own skincare treatments, using all-natural ingredients found in your kitchen! more »
Soon, we'll be heading into the winter season. The dry winter air is likely a primary cause of dry skin. But, it can be caused by a lot of other conditions or reasons. What are they? more »